Long Distance Calling

A FaceGram-free space for Photography and Painting

Flower Power

A new line of work which continues to explore the dialoguing space between photography and painting, gesture and material, natural and man-made. Covering all the range from drunken spring colours to autumn sobriety, from exuberance to decay. Inspired by the flowering garden of our cousins in Belgium, where these works will be exhibited in autumn 2024.

View Flower Power gallery.

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  1. Kerstine May 28, 2024

    Je me demande comment tu fais pour trouver toutes ces magnifiques idées. C’est vraiment très beau et très interpellant.

  2. FLORENCE July 18, 2024

    The way you have captured the essence of the garden, its flowers, petals is pure poetry. This artwork is a perfect example of how subjective beauty is. What might seem ordinary to some, becomes a source of inspiration and creativity for others.

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