Why this and where did the other websites go?

In January 1996, almost 10 years ago, I started the Virtual Snack Bar and Some Kind of Art Gallery, in four languages. At that time, internet connections were slow and all content had to be fit to that constraint. Uniting comics and paintings side by side was an important issue to me at that time. In 1999, I started the Oligomedia website to try an alternative way to present some of the same artwork.

Although I still love the old Virtual Snack Bar concept, I decided to start something new, which is the 98+ gallery. It focuses on the work since 1998, and gives more room for the artwork to stand by itself. There are no comics anymore, because I stopped producing them. The Virtual Snack Bar and Oligomedia websites will remain online to also show the comics and artwork from before 1998, but they will not be updated anymore.

DR, October 2005

The other two (or five) websites:

Virtual Snack Bar, international (Flash Movie)

The virtual snack bar and some kind of art gallery

Der virtuelle Schnellimbiss und eine Art Galerie

El snack bar virtual y una especie de galeria de arte

Le snack virtuel et une espèce de galérie


Oligomedia online gallery